"...fresh, exhilarating, and wonderfully, blissfully alive."
Reviews of Lilt's CD "X"

"...this is an achievement both for quality of the playing and the material. Don't be looking for a loan of it, either. Nobody would risk it. This is a Lilt with real fizz, platinum quality. Well done!! " - Irish Music Magazine (Dublin)
"Eck and Carr have a terrific rapport – the 10 years they’ve been playing together as a duo have clearly given them great insight into how to connect musically, and the way they show this on “Lilt X” is what gives the album its strength. ...“Lilt X” is a tuneful album that is a terrific reflection on a decade together. The music is sweet and is certain to delight fans of the band. Give it a spin! - The Irish Echo (NY)
Reviews of Lilt's CD "Little Falls"

"...a sound that is often moody, sometimes delicate, and – perhaps when you least expect it – will seize you by the shoulders with a quiet yet prodigious intensity."
- Boston Irish Reporter
"...one of the finest recordings of Irish music I've heard in a long time. The whole thing, from beginning to end, feels fresh, exhilarating, and wonderfully, blissfully alive." - IrishPhiladelphia.com
"These guys love their music and are not afraid to push their play into new territory and experiment with additional instruments... it really works and is a listening pleasure." - Irish Music Magazine (Dublin)
"...It’s a lovely album of unvarnished instrumental and vocal music ... from two of the DC scene’s finest, and is one trad fans should check out and enjoy."
- The Irish Echo (NY)
Reviews of Lilt's CD "Onward"

"...will suit listeners of every degree. ...would be of a benefit to any budding beginner and the long time session frequenter also stands to gain too, as they relax into the entrancing quality of a well-administered tune."
- Irish Music Magazine (Dublin)
Read the full review
"Lilt state that they love and try to capture the essentials of Irish traditional music, boundless energy, wildness and melancholy. They have done just that."
- Tradconnect.com
Read the full review

Lilt interview and performance on the Kojo Nnamdi Show, WAMU 88.5 FM
Washington DC, March 14 2013 (interview starts at 21:21)
Feature Article

Lilt interview and feature article at Tradconnect.com